Nodejs Documentry
First we need to generate, the configure script will generate both release and debug build.
./configure --ninja --debug --v8-with-dchecks -C --node-builtin-modules-path $(pwd)
make -j
The build process is quite slow beacuse we need to build v8 from source.
ccache might speed up build process especially in incremental rebuild.
Then the build directory is out/Release and out/Debug.
Node typically contains two parts of code, one is C++ code which abstract v8 and the host system, another part is js code which executed by v8.
You can run tests with tools/
python tools/ -p tap --logfile test.tap --mode=release --flaky-tests=keep_retrying -p actions --node-args='--test-reporter=spec' --node-args='--test-reporter-destination=stdout' --measure-flakiness 9 test/parallel/test-zlib-crc32.js
You can lint your code (no auto fix) with make lint-cpp