Hi, I’m Alex Meng. I’m a passionate developer with a deep interest in browser engines, web technologies, and open-source contributions.
Key Interests:
- Browser engines (WebKit, Gecko, Servo)
- Web standards and specifications
- Open-source development
- Systems programming (C++, Rust)
- Performance optimization
Notable Contributions:
- WebKit: Improved ARM64 disassembler output and working on WebAssembly SIMD support
- Mozilla Firefox: Implemented regex ‘v’ flag and contributed to Gecko layout engine
- Servo: Refactored networking module for improved performance
- Node.js: Implemented V8 Fast API for URL.revokeObjectURL
I’m available for consulting on a variety of topics, including:
- WebAssembly and SIMD
- Web standards and browser compatibility
- Performance optimization
- Open-source development
- LLMs and Articifial Intelligence
I’m constantly looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow as a developer. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to collaborate or discuss anything related to web technologies and browser development!